“What are we doing?”

 The goal of this blog entry is to update our community on what we are currently working on in the Shoals and beyond.

  • Workforce/labor analysis is in process from Younger & Associates
    • On-site surveys were conducted at various locations throughout the Shoals this past week.
    • Complete report to be presented mid-Summer.
  • Our staff and board continue to develop the framework for the newly funded Remote Worker Pilot Program.
  • As an agency, we are working to establish and grow relationships with Toyota and Mazda suppliers domestically and abroad.
  • We are working to create, grow, and strengthen relationships with key partners on the regional, state, and local levels to ensure the growth and economic vitality of the Shoals.
  • Continue to find innovative and creative ways to market all the assets of our community
  • We are collaborating with local and regional training partners to identify the workforce training needs of the businesses and industries in the Shoals.
  • With programs such as the Employment Growth Program, we are assisting qualifying businesses of all sizes create new jobs in the Shoals.
  • We continue to create new and nurture existing relationships with community partners to encourage and promote economic development in the Shoals.
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